Studio of Creative Inquiry | |
Director | Golan Levin |
Associate Director | Tom Hughes |
Business Manager | Linda Hager |
Financial Assistant | Carol Hernandez |
Program Coordinator | Bill Rodgers |
Technical Coordinator | Rich Kawood |
Overall Help | |
Play Testing, conceptual and graphics help | Juliya Komar |
Play Testing and some code help | Jake Komar |
Fantastical Delights Credits | |
Art Partner | |
Joyce Zhang | |
Unreal Engine Help | Jan Orlowski |
15112 | |
Professor David Kosbie | |
Term Project Mentor | Helen Huang |
Miscellaneous Term Project Help | Ping-Ya |
Game Creation Society (GCS) | |
President of GCS, Team lead | Dominic Calkosz |
Treasurer of GCS, Team Lead | Adrian Mester |
Vice President of GCS, Team Lead | Jessica “Jess” Cao |
Director of Development of GCS | Woody McCoy |
Public Relations Lead of GCS | Kalpa Anjur |
Chief of Operations of GCS | Joseph Perrino |
Team Lead | Carter Williams |
The Fantastical Delights GCS Team | |
Senior Tree Modeler | Ibuken Sanni |
Junior Tree Modeler | Aliyah Zhang |
Senior Animal Modeler | Sanjay Salem |
Junior Animal Modeler | Lisa Lo |
The Beaux Arts Ball Executive Committee | |
Decorations Lead | Nana Cheon |
Committee Chair | Emmi Dolp |
Decorations | Youie Cho |
Entertainment | Sophia Masterson |
Entertainment | Liz Maday |
Finance | Selena Zhen |
Public Relations | Alexander Chen |
Food and Drink | Samantha Locraft |
The Beaux Arts Ball Decorations Committee Help | |
3D Modelling Help | Joel Neely |
3D Modelling Help | Connor McGaffin |
3D Modelling Help | Proud Taranat |
Holly Liu | |
Other Help | |
Story | Steven Chernets |
Thumbnail Art (apple) | Victoria Jones |