This tutorial is a simplified version of Tobiah Zarlez’s Processing plugin documentation.

You first should download & install Visual Studio Code. During the installation, be sure to tick the box which says PATH.

Next, download Processing. I extracted the Processing folder into my  C:/ directory.

Press the  Windows + R, this will open up the Run window. Type sysdm.cpl.

You will see a window open up called “System Properties,” click the “Advanced” tab, click the “Environmental Variables” button. Under the user variables, look for PATH. Click it and press edit, a new window will appear. Press New, add your Processing directory, in my case, it’s C:/processing-3.5.3.

Now, you should open Visual Studio Code. Look for a button that looks like this:

This is the extensions button, click it and type in “Processing.” You will find an extension called “Processing Language” by Tobiah Zarlez. Install it and restart VS Code.

In Visual Studio make a project. To this, you have to select a folder that will host the project. Go to File > Open Folder > Select a folder.

Once done

You will see your folder in the menu on the left. Click the “New File” button (shown below).

Name it “FOLDER_NAME_HERE.pde”

Next, go into the VS Code console by pressing: CTRL + SHIFT + P

Type “Create Task File” and press enter.

When you’re ready to compile & run your project press “CTRL + SHIFT + B”